- In consideration of participation in the Event, Participant hereby grants Brand irrevocable permission to the rights of their image, likeness and sound of their voice as recorded on audio, video or in a photograph at the Event and name, portrait, and related information without payment, for advertising, trade, promotional, charitable, education, or any other lawful purposes in accordance with the terms of the Release. Participant understands that their Image and Information may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein Participant likeness appears. Participants also understand that their Image and Information may be used without time limit, in diverse settings, platforms and channels both online and in print within an unrestricted geographic area.
- Participant further acknowledges that Brand has the right to use Participants Image, User Generated Content and Information to promote or publicize the Brand. Participant agrees that no photographs, footage, or other material need be submitted to them for approval prior to usage.
- In consideration of participation in the Event, Participant hereby waives all claims that they have or may have against Brand arising out of the Participant’s participation in the Event or the use of any equipment provided by Brand, including while receiving instruction and/or training. Participant voluntarily assumes all risks, to the fullest extent permitted by law, of participating in the Event and using the Equipment, its owners, affiliates, operators, employees, agents, and/or officers. The Participant and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) understand there are inherent risks of participating in the Event and using the Equipment, which may be both foreseen and unforeseen and include serious physical injury.
- Participant hereby agrees to indemnify Brand, it’s owners, affiliates, operators, employees, agents, and/or officers, from all liability for any loss, damage, injury, death, or expense that the Participant (or his/her next of kin) may suffer, arising out of participation in the Event and/or use of the Equipment, including while receiving instruction and/or training.
- Participant and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) certify that the Participant has no physical or mental condition that precludes him/her from participating in the Event and that he/she is not participating against medical advice.