Gym+Coffee Training Squad | Discount for Personal Trainers

Gym+Coffee Training Squad


This is your ticket to an annual discount of 20% off Gym+Coffee!

The Gym+Coffee Training Squad is a project we’ve been cultivating for sometime and while we are still ironing out the creases, we decided it was important to launch now, to show a bit of extra support for our fitness community!

Complete the application form below and upload proof of training + certification. We'll review the application and get back to you ASAP with more info and your personal discount details.

Personal Trainers and fitness instructors are vital to our event offerings - we literally couldn’t run things like our Summer Stretch Series without them. We are continuing to define everything that will be involved in the G+C Training Squad program but for now, when you sign up as a PT, you’ll enjoy guaranteed 20% off from Gym+Coffee.

You guys are so appreciated by us.

Thank You.

Team G+C

Please note, applications are reviewed once per week so hang tight - we haven't forgotten you and we'll be in touch ASAP!

Terms & Conditions

Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. Not applicable to sale items or event ticket purchases and cannot be used on new products less than 2 weeks after launch. Gym+Coffee reserves the right to cancel membership and dissolve the Training Squad program at any time. This Training Squad discount is non-transferrable.

Featured products

Unisex Half Zip Polar Fleece in Sea Green - Fleeces - Gym+Coffee IE
Sierra Fleece Zip Hoodie in Very Berry - Hoodies - Gym+Coffee IE
Save 19%
Save 29%
Essential 8" Shorts in Moss Green - Shorts - Gym+Coffee IE
Industry Fleece High Collar Jacket in Crisp Pink - Fleeces - Gym+Coffee IE